Saturday, September 25, 2010

How to hard boil an egg


I know this is a silly looking gadget but I LOVE IT and you will, too!! I love to cook and entertain but I have always hated boiling and peeling eggs.
I have tried everything to get the 'perfect' boiled egg...start them off in cold water with a little vinegar, boil 15 minutes, into the ice water, blah, blah, blah...still, even when they're boiled perfectly, half the time I can't get them peeled without tearing them up. However, my kids LOVE deviled eggs so when I saw the Egg Genie, I decided to give it a try. I can't believe how much I love it!! Not only are the eggs cooked exactly the way you want them every single time (whether soft, medium or hard boiled), they are also EASY TO PEEL!! I have never had a single one tear up. They just slide right out of the shell with absolutely no fuss. Now I don't mind making deviled eggs! I keep a half dozen boiled eggs in a baggie in the fridge and they're great to throw into salads or to grab for a low-carb snack. My sister has fallen in love with mine and wants one, too, so I came online to find one for her and decided to leave a review while I was on here. Two thumbs up from this girl!! :-)

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